Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Fishy Smell of Spring

The Sea Sprite vacationing in the exclusive Cedar Island Marina Resort and Tennis Club in Clinton: Playground of the stars.

I arrived back here from Austin just a few days ago. Once again, the call of the Sea Sprite and our loyal customers has torn me away from the throngs of Texan women I bath myself in every winter. It is now time to sorta help Capt. Pete get the Sprite ready for another long season on the Sound. Our 34th season to be exact. She goes in the water tomorrow and we cruse her to Old Saybrook this weekend. Next week...time to fish. Look forward to seeing everyone!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Capt. Pete on Twitter

Celebrities around the world have been using the social networking tool "twitter" to update their fans on the very important minute by minute activities of their celebrity lifestyles. That being said, it was just a matter of time before our favorite celebrity, Capt. Pete, would be forced to do the same by his ever growing, tech savvy fan base. So without further adieu, I present Capt. Pete on twitter. Enjoy.